Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada

Sweet & Sour Meat Loaf

1 gr. pepper, chopped (& divided in half)
15 ml vegetable oil
45 ml granulated sugar
45 ml vinegar
30 ml soya sauce
15 ml tomatoe paste
175 ml water (divided- 100 & 75)
15 ml corn starch
750 g ground beef
500 ml Kellogg's Rice Krispies or Special K
2 eggs
5 ml salt


Fry half the green pepper in oil for two minutes. Add sugar vinegar, soya sauce, tomatoe paste and 100 ml water. Slowly bring to a boil.

Dissolve cornstarch in remaining water. Add to boiling liquid, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Remove from heat and set aside.
Mix together ground beef, cereal, eggs, salt, remaining half of pepper and 125 ml of the sauce. Place in a 1.5 L ungreased loaf pan and bake 190 C, (350 F), for 45 minutes.

Pour off excess fat and cover loaf with remaining sauce. Bake for another 10 minutes.

Submitted by Melody Haase , June 22, 2000

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Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada


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