Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada

Grumpy Old Bastard's Cheesecake Pie

You Should Have on Hand
1/2 cup melted butter
2  250 gr pkgs. cream cheese softened
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
300ml tin Eagle Brand Low Fat Evaporated Milk
2 1/2 tablespoons flour
2  11 oz pkgs. Oether Strawberry Glaze
rind 2 grated lemons
juice 2 grated lemons
4 peeled and sliced kiwi fruit
4 peeled & sliced peaches
cup blueberries
few maraschino cherries
2 Keebler oven ready graham cracker pie crust

Blend together cheeze, sugar, eggs, flour, evaporated milk, lemon rind and juice and pour in pie crusts

Bake 325 F ˝for 1/2 hr or so

After pies have cooled, arrange fruit and spoon cover with glaze as per directions on pkg. Then cover and refrigerate.

I always make 2 because Eagle Brand only comes in 300 ml tins; however recipe works great for one using half portions .

Submitted by John Marcus September 9, 1997

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Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada


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