Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada

Chocolate Chip Cookies

In a larger mixing bowl, cream well together with wooden spoon, 1/2 margarine and 6 tbsp of each white and brown sugar.
In a small bowl, whisk 1 egg till foamy and add to the sugar and margarine mixture. Cream well again until it gets light and fluffy. Add 1/2 tsp vanilla and cream in also.

In a third bowl measure the dry ingredients - 1 cup plus 4 tbsp white, 1/2 tsp salt and half tsp baking soda. Stir with a fork to mix them together.

Measure out 2 tbsp of the hottest water you can get from the tap.
Add the dry ingredients alternately with the hot water to the sugar mixture, making sure that you start with the drys and end with the drys.

Lastly, add 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. Set batter aside until oven heats to 350 degrees. (Sometimes I even mix up the batter and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours and then cook it.)
Drop by spoonful on a cookie sheet and bake till golden brown. (Place the cookie sheet on the upper rack of the oven so you don`t burn the cookies.)

Submitted by Ryan Benoit, December 12, 1999

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Tallships Online - on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada


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